直至尽头_第71章(1 / 1)
下面这段罗里吧嗦的话,转文的GN能否一并转走?大谢!说到24/7,想起早期有人说这文和24/7类似有借鉴嫌疑,我诚惶诚恐。首先,我当然是看过24/7的,也喜欢它,开这文的初衷有一部分也是它,因为它刷了我对SM的世界观,所以我也要去刷别人的世界观(笑)。因此,基调气氛上它们必然类似,否则假如我写个寻常虐身文,有啥世界观可刷?正因为它们基调类似,结局也类似(都是HE),很多设定上我都刻意避开了,可以说现在的全部人设应该除了“两层的复式房子+有个完整的调教室”这种必要的硬件设施重复,其他没什么相同之处。我都不敢说原本想给夏景行设定一个更正气更强悍的职业例如刑警(笑),当然这只是想想可不敢这么写何况要表达正气有很多途径不一定要通过职业,想想而已。早期很多内容没铺开,单看基调觉得像,这的确难以避免。单看契约这段字面相同,这也的确,但契约是后文两个重要段落的开端,绝不是到此而已,希望给我机会。调教手段的类似,这个问题上我觉得自己有点冤。BDSM的调教手段我查了很多,比24/7里涵盖的还要多,到了文里我只写了几种(鞭打束缚耻感之类),比24/7的还少,这有多方面考虑。一则有些手段不美感(例如戏水,有兴趣的自己去查= =),二则有些我不喜欢(例如非常常见的小狗或狗奴),三则有些手段痛觉太强烈(例如穿刺,例如24/7里的烙印),如果写夏景行喜欢痛觉那跟Fox重复,写夏景行不喜欢痛觉则不应当用强痛觉手段,这跟逻辑有关,四则有些手段危险性高(例如24/7里的拳交,例如原本我想写的窒息),这文要是走科幻+玄幻风就无所谓了,既然走伪科普风,写危险性高的手段有点……怕对读者不好。写窒息对我很简单,郑昱的人设是喜欢控制,夏景行的人设是喜欢被控制,这点跟窒息吻合,心理很容易把握写起来没难度(而且bl里好像没人写过,还挺有新意),一直到首章发上来之前我还在考虑把最顶头关于不会有窒息的话删掉,在番外里写,但最终还是没有这么做,在番外改用了其他手段(要命的是跟24/7又有一点重)。宁可重了24/7也不写窒息就是觉得它不安全,我不希望宣扬不安全的性行为。所以调教手段如果被觉得跟24/7类似,我也真没办法了,毕竟现在这样的成品有很多原因。Karlyn跟Elaine类似?可能吧,可Karlyn真的戏份不多统共就几句话。那暴君又跟谁类似呢?Murray?不会吧。把Karlyn那点台词全塞给暴君也不是不可以的,但这样故事里的角色们性别太不平衡,总共就老太太和女秘书是女的(秘书的戏份很少),连小宋都疑似双,实在太世界大同,我不喜欢。我还曾经想过给Karlyn弄个女奴,后来想想各种不好,还是作罢。所以,配角也好调教也罢,真的不是有意借鉴24/7,只有契约是特意引用的。十多万字都写了不差那几百字,何苦还非要弄个跟主角不是很配的契约硬塞进去,害我改前改后。累不累。顺便放上原文:Slave Contract.1. The slave agrees to obey and submit completely to his Master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of his Master.2. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, his body belongs to his Master, to be used as seen fit.3. All of the slave's possessions likewise belong to his Master, including all assets, finances, and material goods, to do with as He sees fit.4. The slave agrees to please his Master to the best of his ability, in that he now exists solely for the pleasure of his Master.5. The slave understands that all that he has, and all that he does, shall now move from right to privilege, granted only as He wishes, and only to the extent that He finds useful.I have read and fully understand this Slavery Contract in its entirety. I agree to give everything I own to my Master, and further accept His claim of ownership over my physical body, heart, soul, and mind. I understand that I will be commanded and trained and punished as a slave, and I promise to be true and to fulfil the pleasures and desires of my Master, and serve Him to the best of my abilities. I understand that I cannot withdraw from this Slavery Contract.Master Contract.1. I accept this slave into my loving care and protection as his Master.2. I will provide the physical and emotional necessities of life for my slave, and he will know my love as I choose for him to know it.3. I will use my slave's body as I wish, such usage to be limited only by my responsibility not to damage either his physical or mental being.4. I shall establish a clearly understood set of rules for my slave, and I shall enforce them in a firm but responsible manner. These rules will be for his protection as well as his discipline, and will - to the best of my ability - foresee every eventuality and control the most minute aspect of his behavior.5. Within the self-imposed limitations above, I undertake to train and discipline my slave in a manner calculated to guide him toward a perfection of obedient submission that I know he can never achieve. In doing so, it will be my goal to reward his efforts by dispensing the punishment he requires and deserves.6. I shall endeavor to provide for my slave's necessities of life, even in the event that I should die or otherwise be rendered incapable of caring for him.I have read and fully understand this Master Contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this slave as my property, body and possessions, and to care for him to the best of my ability. I shall provide for his security and well-being and command him, train him, and punish him as a slave. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no harm shall come to the slave as long as he is mine. I further understand that I can withdraw from this Contract at any time.脱了衣服之后夏景行又做回轻松自在的奴隶。每次以非主奴的关系和郑昱对话都压得他喘不过来,不是紧张就是惶恐,相比起来他觉得还是身为奴隶比较幸福简单。他拿着郑昱手写的契约反反复复看。郑昱说他小时候练过字,真是太谦虚了,夏景行觉得这笔行草足可以裱起来,天天看,夜夜看,直至刻到灵魂里。嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿死M你认命吧!出乎意料的是这晚郑昱没对他做什么。对于刚刚收到奴隶契约还精神亢奋的夏景行而言这多少有点失望,沉寂了一星期的身体有些渴望和躁动,不过他知道这段时间郑昱真的很忙。大概是累的吧。身为奴隶的他当然不会抗议,只是乖乖的被他主人压在怀里最后沉沉睡去。第二天天气很好,澄空如洗,下午没有训练,夏景行躺在窗边晒太阳,肚皮上摞着茶茶。冬日的午后阳光晒得人懒洋洋的。因为茶茶的缘故,家里的室内植物都被移到高处。最可怜的要数文竹,因为高处空间不够搭支架,只好贴着墙壁艰难地向光生长,半年下来把博物架上的一片墙壁铺成满绿,生生把自己逼成爬山虎。郑昱不知道去哪了,家里听不到动静,夏景行正打算掀开身上的傻猫去找他,就见他向自己走来。转眼的一瞬间夏景行便窒住了。贴身的黑色皮裤,长靴,黑色长手套,光裸诱人的上身,黑色礼帽,百分百主人风格的情景着装,从来只出现在牢笼里的装束如今映在晴空下。阳光,蓝天,情色,诱惑,完全矛盾的极端的冲突的视觉搭配撞击着他的全部神经。他完全看呆了,甚至忘了跪下,直到主人的声音唤醒了他:“喜欢我吗?”他立即清醒过来,翻身跪倒在地,虔诚的轻吻郑昱的脚,又直起上身,双手捧起郑昱的右手,在他手背上轻轻一吻。“是,非常非常喜欢。”他仰头看着主人的眼睛。“跟我来。”郑昱看着他说。郑昱领着他走进牢笼。白天的牢笼温暖怡人,乳白色的长绒地毯和浅色装潢清爽明快,窗帘全部拉开,阳光透进来照得一屋明媚,干净利落毫无情色感。唯一特别的是窗边放着那张按摩椅,正落在阳光能照到的地方。“过来。”郑昱扶着椅背对他说。夏景行有一瞬间犹豫。他对那张按摩椅实在印象太深刻了,而现在还是白天,阳光之下。不过他还是顺从的走上前坐下。